This year’s Heimtextil exhibition was the 43rd edition of the international fair devoted to textiles for fitting flats, houses and public facilities. It is the largest and most prestigious European event in the trade of textiles, which attracts businesspeople from the sector of interior design, textile industry and fashion. In the fair, Świat Lnu presented its rich offer of linen fabrics and ready-made products.
From 8 to 11 January, Świat Lnu took part in the Heimtextil Trade Fair in Germany. Its extensive offer presented in the stand included linen tablecloths, upholstery fabrics and decorative fabrics. Świat Lnu shared its stand with Miranda Sp. z o.o., the leading Polish manufacturer of fabrics and polyamide knitted materials. Świat Lnu presented ready-made products in an arrangement on the stand. The broad range of colours and patterns presented at the stand attracted many new customers. The stand of Świat Lnu won a lot of interest with customers, who wanted to learn more about the company’s offer.
Specjalizujemy się w produkcji tkanin oraz wyrobów naturalnego pochodzenia. Łączymy wieloletnie doświadczenie z nowoczesnym zapleczem technologicznym, kontynuując tradycje naszych przodków.
Świat Lnu Sp. z o. o., ul. Nadrzeczna 1 A, 58-400 Kamienna Góra, Polska
Sąd Rejonowy dla Wrocławia Fabrycznej we Wrocławiu, IX Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, Kapitał zakładowy: 143 500,00 PLN
REGON: 017323023, NIP: 526-25-66-337, KRS: 0000037171